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Today, a small recipe to be enjoyed

Updated: Jan 31, 2019


Today we publish a small recipe all to be enjoyed: PASTA ALLA "DIVERSAMENTE NORMA"

This recipe takes its cue from the typical pasta recipe to the norm, as we have called it differently and is really delicious, let's start with the ingredients:

for 4 person:

- 1 clove of garlic

- 300 grams of pasta of your choice

. 1 ripe aubergine (possibly Sicilian) ;-)

.half liter fresh raw tomato sauce (even if bottled)

. oil to fry as required

. 40 grams of Parmigiano Regiano

. salt and pepper as required

. a tuft of basil


Put plenty of oil in a saucepan, if necessary, mix olive oil with other oil for frying, insert the garlic clove with all the peel, dice the eggplant into cubes and toss them in hot oil, frying. Put plenty of oil in a saucepan, if necessary, mix olive oil with other oil for frying, insert the garlic clove with all the peel, dice the eggplant into cubes and toss them in hot oil, frying.

Just fried, put them to drain and refrain,

take a preferably narrow and tall container and put in the tomato sauce, salt, pepper, parmesan and 3 \ 4 basil leaves, just chilled and drained from the oil, add the aubergines and blend all together, it will become an orange-colored cream of a very good taste, use the rest of the basil to season and enjoy your meal .


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